

First «Open#Mosprom» by SAGA

30 May 2024


In the third decade of May, SAGA Corporation and the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of Moscow organized an exclusive tour of the production site of SAGA Technologies JSC.


The «Open#Mosprom» project is a initiative of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of Moscow. It is designed to keep the public informed about the operations of the city's industrial enterprises. Through this initiative, the people of Moscow have the opportunity to visit leading enterprises in various sectors, including rocket and space, aviation, machine-building, food, pharmaceuticals, and more. So far, residents and visitors of the capital, along with students and schoolchildren, have had the chance to visit over a hundred Moscow-based enterprises.


This time the «Open#Mosprom» delegation visited SAGA Corporation. During the visit, the delegation toured the metalworking and assembly shops, as well as the production facilities for finished goods. The delegation learned about Russian ATMs, charging stations for electric cars, payment terminals, self-service cash desks, educational and industrial robots.


Our specialists demonstrated a wide range of technological processes, including metal cutting, coloration of housings, and testing of finished SAGA devices, to the young visitors and their older companions. They also provided comprehensive answers to the group's complex inquiries.


The production team of SAGA Technologies JSC was pleased to conduct a tour for the participants of the project «Open#Mosprom,» and hopes that in the future, interest in domestic production will only increase.

Source: The SAGA Corporation press relations service

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